10 Questions To Ask A Startup Founder For Growth

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Assumptions are inevitable in any business. They are the path to its growth. But how should the startup founder verify their assumptions? Who should they go to for growth tips? 

Most people would say startup giants who have converted their innovative ideas to full-blown businesses are the ones to approach. Yes, true. But is that all? Will questioning anything get you the desired and guiding answers?

Common questions deliver generic answers; asking the right questions can reap some of the greatest advice. Start-up founder interview questions are a good way to analyze and define some common terms from a business perspective. If you’re wondering, “What questions to ask a startup founder?” the following list has got you covered. 

1. How Did You Start?

A business requires more than a solid idea. Concepts can be easily squashed if not paired with an excellent strategy. What was the founder’s basic blueprint for the brand journey? What challenges obstructed the initial growth, and were these problems overcome? These are basic questions to understand the entrepreneur mindset

2. What Problem Did You Aim To Solve?

Uber planned to demonstrate an easy way of getting a cab. Canva integrated everything related to convenient graphic designing in one place. So what is the similarity in all these? They are innovative and unique. They solved an issue with a simple but well-thought solution. 

Find your chance to make a profit-making institution from a regular life issue. It is said that every problem can be solved. Yes, with the right startup idea. Innovation and entrepreneurship go hand-in-hand. 

This question will help you recognize the business opportunities around you and catch them. It plays a crucial role in identifying the trajectory of the business as it creates a strong foundation. It helps in making startup founders understand their businesses from all directions.

3. What Made You Decide That It Was The Right Time To Start Up?

With the recent experience of quarantining and lockdown, the importance of doorstep delivery is significantly more apparent. When opportunity knocks, do not let it go. And when adversity stands at the door, try not to fight it in the beginning. Let it pass before launching your business. 

Through this question, you would understand what is called the “right time” and how it is different for everyone. 

4. What Are The Differentiating Factors That Make Your Startup Investable?

Shark Tank is a popularly followed show that focuses on startups pitching their ideas to gather investment from “sharks” — the investors. However, only some startups bag a good investment. Why? Money-maker businesses that have a strong narrative, business drive, and progressive revenue model always attract the attention of ‘angel investors.’

Knowing the differentiating factors of a successful business will help you understand what could set your startup apart from others.

5. Who Are Your Earliest Employees? And Why Those Specific Roles?

When innovation and entrepreneurship are interlinked, many hands are required to sustain the bond. Every startup works its way up to form an MNC-like workforce. 

The earliest employees, irrespective of the number, will define the “drive” of the business. Based on your niche and industry standards, your earliest employees will play a vital role.  

6. Which Personality Traits Are Most Important To You While Hiring Your Employees?

Let’s say for some businesses, creative, and team-oriented employees might be counted as golden additions to the team. This trait suits the goals and mission of that particular brand. 

However, based on the type, service, and niche of a startup, the personality traits of employees will differ. When in doubt about what questions to ask a startup founder, be ready to ask about the employee team of the business. 

A business receives success when it uses the resources to their fullest potential. A passionate, diligent and determined employee is an asset, no doubt. But each brand requires a specific trait — creative, academic, etc. that works well for them.

7. What Are The Assumptions That You Made While Starting Up?

The launch of a startup is the first step toward quashing the preconceived assumptions about the business process. Ranging from customer interest to lead generation or from resources to profitability, there are several theories that a startup founder has. 

Talking about the number of customers who might be interested in a business, Nilesh Biswas (founder of Calcutta Skyline) said, “Definite formulae do not exist to calculate this number; the surplus potential buyer base should be substantially more than the sales need.” 

This clarity is achieved after the proper execution and establishment of the business. Asking about these assumptions and contrasting them with the realities is a good approach. 

8. How Important Is User Experience According To You?

Who is a business made for? Customers, of course. A user-friendly, smooth and easy interface steers the direction of the business. 

Think about an app that takes several minutes to process your query. Or a website that pops up so many stubborn ads that the actual content is nowhere to be seen. How would you rate that experience? Not good, I assume. That is exactly how a customer feels when the business process or journey is not smooth. 

From the customer’s first interaction to the final delivery of service, everything matters. This question will expose you to the basic needs of consumers from a business owner’s point of view. It will also aid you to design a blueprint that promotes a positive and exceptional user experience.

9. How Big Is Your Startup On Innovation And Creative Thinking?

Innovation and entrepreneurship are inseparable. The traditional break-in attitude, curiosity, versatility, and determination are the “starters” in the feast of success and revenue. Creative thinking and innovation are the spark and stimulate the fuel to get your business up and running. 

A startup founder becomes a thriving businessperson when creativity works out. After a business is established, how does it maintain the unfaltering influx of these basic attributes — creative thinking and innovation? Asking this question to a founder will help in better understanding and absorption of business knowledge. 

10. How Do You Handle Difficult Interpersonal Situations In Your Startup?

The external display of a business is easier to approach, but the internal dynamics within the brand is often overlooked. Whether it is active listening or staff discussions, difficult interpersonal situations require urgent attention. 

A business is only useful until it provides value. The conflict between staff, vendors, customers or stakeholders can turn out to be a huge misstep. Therefore, it is vital to discuss this with the founder of an already formulated business.

Objective Of Asking Questions

To get a hands-on learning experience of the ideas, strategy, potential and risks of a business, asking the above questions becomes crucial. How should the startup founders verify their assumptions if not by asking questions from successful companies? Right entrepreneurship questions promise guaranteed growth.

The main aim is to understand the initial stage, trajectory, and growth curve of a brand. It is also a right chance to comprehend the values and vision of the startup. 

Sustaining a business is not easy, especially without a strategy, steady support, and substantial suggestions. It makes it all the more important to get a basic idea about the business process.

Therefore, don’t miss an opportunity to ask questions. They help in learning, which in turn aids growth. The only thing to keep in mind is to be motivated and continue walking. 

As Martin Luther King Jr. said, “If you can’t fly then run if you can’t run then walk if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”  

Check out these quotes, which will charge your entrepreneurial batteries to the fullest.  

The Author Pravin Shah

Optimist. Believer. Entrepreneur. Founder @BigBrandTheory, Certified Change & Innovation Expert, ISB Hyderabad.

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